Thursday, June 7, 2012

Back Again....

See...I'm living up to my promise of returning sooner rather than later.  Lots going on this week....Hopefully tomorrow will be the first day in a domino effect of change.  I would be so happy if all goes as hoped.

But with the positive change, comes negative change....again.  I'm starting to think that the "powers that be" where I work are not looking to the same bright spot that I am.  It's very difficult for me to comprehend since I know what we can be if we have the right things in place.  The powers that be keep taking those right things away.  And, what we are left with could be right things, but egos are in the way.

On to other things....things that are important.  YUP....don't have any of those at the moment......

I logged on to write about something meaningful, and now, I can't remember what it was!  How pathetic!!!  And, that has nothing to do with my old self turning another year older in less than 48 hours.....

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