Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cheerleader Lock-In

Well, we started a tradition about 11 years ago when I first became cheer sponsor. We had a lock-in at our old school--which was said to be haunted. (I actually saw some bizarre stuff myself.) It was an OLD school--condemned at one point but still being used. I asked a teacher friend and she and her husband and another friend came up and scared all of us...myself included. Since then, we have had a lock-in every year. And, we have tried--and succeeded-in scaring the girls. Usually we have the lock-in after the back-to-school dance...This means we have less time to entertain them. However, Hurricane Ike changed or plans for this year. We have it scheduled for this Friday. We will have about an extra 4 hours to keep them focused on anything but calling people at 3:00 in the morning. So, B and I have come up with a LOT of great ideas.

First, we are going to have a challenge in which the girls will earn points. The winner will get some kind of prize. What, we haven't determined. We are having an obstacle course in the gym, a fear factor-type contest, a photo scavenger hunt, and a physical scavenger hunt. We have also enlisted J to help scare the girls. He and his family have a haunted house every year on Halloween for the trick-or-treaters, so he is pumped!!! This will be so much fun. I can't wait.

For the fear factor contest, we will be making them eat/drink such items as day old bath water, boogers on a stick, strained eyeballs, cat poop cookies and roach guts. (None of this is really what it seems.)

We are also going to play dodgeball and some other games like that. I'll let you know how it goes after ward.

If you have any suggestions, PLEASE let me know!!!!!

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