Friday, September 19, 2008

Stir Crazy

I am starting to lose my mind. Because of Ike, I have not been able to work for 8 days (10 if you include weekends). I am used to working 10-15 hours a day. I have no cable so I can't watch tv. (I don't usually WATCH a lot, but I do have it on in the background all of the time....mostly ESPN or Disney or CNN or sporting events.) I have a curfew from 7 to 7. This is difficult because I feel like a prisoner. I've read books, magazines, watched DVD's of my favorite shows and movies. I've slept. I've spent more time on the internet in the last few days than I have spent in entire months! My brain is on overload now, and it is thinking crazy thoughts! (If you don't believe me, read some of the previous posts!!) I need to get back to a normal routine. However, most people think my routine is anything but normal! Some of my co-workers think I'm involved with everything...I'm not. I do participate in a lot at my school...but I love doing everything. Well, not everything...Sometimes I get very angry when people expect me to drop what I'm doing to help them. I can't say no though, so I usually do.

Well, enough about that! Happy Day!

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