Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's been a while.....

Well, it has. I've been catching some flack from someone (THAT GIRL) for not posting lately. I've been very busy and really haven't known what to write. Do people want to read the day-by-day boring blows of my life? Do they want to read something philosophical? Funny? Something to help them forget their problems? WHAT??? What if I am so boring that no one wants to read what I write? What if I start a fight with someone? I guess I could just write random thoughts and if people don't like it, they don't have to read it. But if they don't read it, what is the point in writing it? So, here goes....I'm going to write whatever comes to mind my--in whatever order or fashion. If it doesn't make sense, then you will know how my brain works!!

As I was writing that last sentence, I saw a commercial for the current governor who is running for re-election. OH MY!!! Am I going to have to watch those for the next month now??? And, since this is 2010, does that mean we will start getting commercials for the 2012 Presidential election soon???? Like we did with the 2008 election. UGH!!!!!!!!

I'm also watching the Philadelphia Phillie play the San Francisco Giants in game one of the NLCS. I really do love baseball. I don't know who to root for though....I have very mixed emotions about all the teams....obviously, my team went home. It's is here!!!!

Speaking of football, I am participating in a fantasy league this year. This is a first. I have absolutely no clue what I am doing, but my team is 4-1. Not bad for a rookie! I'm leading my division as well. After the third week, I was 3-0. I saw one of my former students--who just happens to be in the same league--at a junior high football game. I commented "3 and 0", and he looked at me kinda funny. So I said "Fantasy Football." He replied with giant eyes "THAT'S YOU?!?!?!?!?!" It was great! (My team name: Pfun Pfort Pfootballers) I lost the next week and he rubbed it in. However, I got the last laugh. This past week, we went head-to-head, and I WON!!!! YAY ME!!!!!!

I'm not sure if I've blogged about this, but I have a lot of ear infections. I currently have one, and I'm very annoyed. I know the symptoms. I know the signs. I KNOW WHAT IT FREAKING FEELS LIKE!!!!!! So why don't people believe me???

Holy CRAP....Did you see the kid playing the trumpet at the Phillies game???? He was what 7???? Maybe 9???? HE WAS FABULOUS!!!!!!! FANTASTIC JOB WITH GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!! 5TH GRADE!!!!!!!

Back to my ear....I wasn't feeling well on the 7th. I went to our nurse who checked out my temp and my ears. Told me I had a slight temp and something going on in the ears. I knew I had about a week before it would start to get painful. Sure enough, the pain started on the 14th. I went to an urgent care center (because my doctor is out at the moment due to his own health related problems and also the time of day). The nurse practitioner said I did have fluid on the ear, but she didn't think I needed an antibiotic. Told me to take an over the counter cold and sinus med. If it wasn't better by Monday to see my doctor...who again won't be back until sometime in November if all goes well. HMMMMMMMM.....My ear is getting worse!!! So now, I have to shell out more $$$$ and see someone else I don't know. I'd go to the ENT I have seen in the past, but he is rude and costs more money. UGH!!!!! Why didn't the chick listen to me!!! It's not like the meds I was seeking are controlled substances! JUST EAR DROPS!!!!!! I can't abuse them!

Last week, I had my observation scheduled with my assistant principal. I have been working on this lesson since July. I used my obsession with Farmville on Facebook as my inspiration (See That Girl....All that farming was for work....). I put a lot of time and effort into the assignment. The experience as a whole was horrendous! I will admit, I am a perfectionist when it comes to my evaluations. I STRIVE for perfection. My thought is this...If I expect my kids to be perfect, I have to have the same expectations for myself. By "law", our observation must be 45 minutes. Because of the content of my lesson, I started it on Wednesday, continued on Thursday, and finished it on Friday. The principal was to be in the room during 1st period each day. (20 minutes at the end on Wed., some part on Thur., and 15 minutes at the beginning of class on Fri.) Wednesday comes and he doesn't show. At the beginning of the 2nd class, our other AP showed up to watch since she knew what I was doing. I shared that it would be at the end. My appraiser showed up during that class. I had not shared with the kids, so they sat like statues. I finally said "What is wrong with you?? You are not acting yourselves!!" One kiddo replied "Because Mr. T. is in the room!" YIKES. Well, I made it through and had everything ready to go Thursday. I start the lesson and the kids don't get it. They had soooo many problems. I was getting all worked up inside because after all my hard work, the lesson was tanking in front of my face. But, I held it together. I keep waiting and waiting also....Mr. T. hasn't shown up yet. The bell to end class rings and still no Mr. T. I was so stressed!!! Thankfully it was my planning time because I lost it! I went to our team meeting after calming down. (I work myself up because of that perfectionist thing!!!) Mr. T. showed up and realized he missed it. He wanted me to reschedule. OMG!!!! PLAN ANOTHER DOG AND PONY!!! I lost it again. Thankfully, he sent an email offering to come to the same class he saw the day before. We had a split class that day, so he agreed to come after lunch. Before lunch I explained how he was going to be there to observe me and the kids needed to be normal. The class went a lot better, but I was still run ragged answering questions. Mr. T. came back to that same class the next day. Got the report back--I did FABULOUS!!!! YAY ME!!! With my first and fourth period classes, the activity was way over their head and very frustrating for me. I thought it was one of the worst things I have ever done with the kids. However, EVERY, and I mean EVERY DAY since then, the kids come in and ask "Are we going to farm today?" WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Ok...this is quite long, so it should pacify the critics for at least a day or two. I'm off to catch up on some tv I missed this week!

C-Ya, BYE!


that girl said...

too much to process.. hope your ear feels better. good news about your uncle...can't comment on sports stuff. yah for you! on your observation.

good to see you blogging again. sorry for wanting to know more. =)

iteach7 said...

Don't be sorry!!!!